Thursday, February 11, 2010

Before I Formed You In The Womb, I Knew You

"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; Before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations."
Jer. 1:5

I have a tool in my toolbox that has only one purpose. It is a highly specialized tool; one that I bought to do a single job. That job was completed several years ago, but I keep the tool. On occasion I have tried to use the tool for other purposes, I did that last week, but the tool refuses to cooperate with my ineptness. It is as though that tool shouts to me, "Hey, idiot! I can't do that job. I was not made to do that job. It is an impossible task for me to accomplish!" And you know; the tool is right. Its job is to tighten and loosen the ring that holds the kitchen garbage disposal in place. It does that quite well. It does not work on any other plumbing problem. It makes a miserable hammer. And God forbid that it would ever be used in electrical work!

Like my tool, we are a called people. You are called. I am called. We were chosen by God, and He gave each of us a purpose. Today's verse reveals Jeremiah's call as a prophet of God. Now I am not about to say that each of us is called to be prophets. That would not be true. Be we are all called to fulfill a task, a particular task, and we will not be satisfied until we accomplish what we have been tasked to do. Let's take a look at Jeremiah's call. I think it will tell us something about our own.

"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you," says God to the prophet. The Father was reassuring Jeremiah that the caller was knowledgeable about whom He was calling. God knew Jeremiah from the inside out. He was there the day Jeremiah was conceived, He was there before Jeremiah was conceived. This is God's way of saying, "I know every thing there is to know about you. I thought about you and the plans I had for you long before you were even two separate cells in two separate individuals. I have had you in my plans for generations before you were born. I know you. I know all about you. I know every gene of every chromosome that has been combined from every generation previous to yours. I mixed them all together to form one unique individual, you, Jeremiah. Every fiber of your being was carefully chosen and placed by Me, your true Father, to accomplish what I am calling you to do today."

Wow! God really knew Jeremiah. And He really knows you, too. You are no different than Jeremiah, not really. Multiple generations ago, God foresaw that He would need you in this age, day, and time to accomplish something that no one else could do. Like He did with Jeremiah, He ordered your ancestry so that every gene of you chromosomal makeup would be just what He needed at just the right time. He ordained your parents, grandparents, and great-great- great grandparents so that you would be unique, you see, with God there is no mass production. There is no great "assembly line in the sky" that kicks carbon copy individuals all prepackaged and ready to ship off the end of the line. God makes each one of us totally different than any other product.

I can see that you need to ponder that for a few hours. Take you time. We will look at the second part of Jeremiah's calling tomorrow. It fits you, too!

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